To complement our Accreditation Program, two new programs were introduced
in 2004-05, and snother in 2007-08.
1. Fellows of ITC are first class POWERtalk International Trainers
who excel in all forms of communication, interaction, presentation, training and evaluation ability. To become Fellows
they have been graded at 80% or better on a series of rigorous assignments in each of these areas.
Six members of Northeast Region are now Fellows of ITC:
Hilary Bartlett
(Toronto ON)
Geraldine Lightfoot (North Bay ON)
June Pietrantoni (Winchester MA)
Carol Preiss
(Rochester NY)
Karen Sherry (North Bay ON)
2. Certified speech contest judges are
members who have experience in judging contests in this and other organizations. As the final step in their certification,
they were required to judge an international competition and were then assessed on their results.
Only one current member of Northeast Region is Certified Speech Contest Judge:
Shelley Petley (Fredericton
3. Certified POWERtalk Short Course
trainers are experienced members who have been trained specifically to teach the
12-hour POWERtalk short course introduced in the fall of 2007.
Northeast Region now boasts a number of these trainers. A list of these members is available below. They are
available to facilitate courses to members or nonmembers in their geographic area.
For more information on these programs or to contact
any of these specialists, see the Contacts tab.