Fredericton POWERtalkers

Short Course

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POWERtalk Short Course

The course is designed for people with little or no experience in public speaking, and includes six modules on the following topics:


Platform Presence - overcoming nervousness; tips on how to dress (image); avoiding common distractions


Body Language & Gestures - mastering facial and body gestures; reading the audience


Vocal Effectiveness - controlling pace, pauses, pitch and projection


Speech Construction - how to design and build a speech


Technical/Visual Aids - using microphones, PowerPoint, overhead slides, etc


Putting it All Together - each person gives a 5 minute speech on a topic of his/her choice.


There is no homework except between sections 5 & 6, preparing your speech. However, if you pick your topic early - a hobby, your childhood, your job, whatever would interest you and your audience - you can work on it as the classes progress.


During the first 5 sessions, we have some short exercises, some in groups and a few solo. They are meant to be fun, to give you a chance to practice in a supportive atmosphere.




Parts of the course material are presented on request as part of the regular club meeting programs. Join during the next course and take advantage of this exceptional training!
Registration includes materials and a one-year membership in POWERtalk International (to July 31).  
Many employers will reimburse employees for the fee since it is such practical training.
The course trainer is Shelley Petley. Shelley is one of less than 50 members worldwide who hold the "Distinguished Communicator" designation. She is a certified POWERtalk Course Trainer and is known as one of the organization's most enthusiastic members.
If there is sufficient interest, Shelley will offer the course. Please call if you would like to be placed on the list. Her details can be found on the Contact Us tab.


Fredericton POWERtalkers