POWERtalk promises its members training in four areas:
- leadership
- effective communication
- parliamentary procedures
- organizational skills.
The purpose of the club or chapter is to assist in the development of the individual members through
POWERtalk training methods. Members are also encouraged to assume responsibility in community organizations
and civic projects, where the benefits of POWERtalk education can be shared with people throughout the world.
People join POWERtalk with a desire for self-development in association with others with
the same goals. The individual club surrounds the member with encouragement for growth.
In this supportive climate it is easier to face personal shortcomings, as pointed out in appraisal with suggestions for correction,
because others are striving for improvement too.
Those who enter the ranks of POWERtalk with the serious intent of benefitting from its program of education
stand at the threshold of an exciting experience. It is always stimulating to find you can extend your powers and abilities
if you make a consistent effort. With POWERtalk you learn by doing
and progress at your own pace. The more active you are, the more you will profit from your
Another benefit of the organization is the recognition of individual members.
Achievements such as passing a level in the Accreditation Program or placing in the Speech or Writing Contest are usually
acknowledged with certificates or plaques, as well as with coverage by the local news media.
This is a great way to promote both the organization and the individual before the general public.
With most employers looking for people with "good communication skills", your membership is well worth the price. In
fact, many employers consider POWERtalk training an investment and will
pay your membership fees from their training budget!